Brown's sixth place finish highlights Barton Men's Bowling at Columbia Cougar Clashes #GoBarton
Brown's sixth place finish highlights Barton Men's Bowling at Columbia Cougar Clashes #GoBarton
The Barton Community College men's bowling team got off to a solid second half start this past weekend collecting a pair of fifth place finishes at the Columbia Cougar Clash No. 1 and No.2 held Saturday and Sunday at the AMF Town and Country Lanes in Columbia, Missouri.
The Cougars opened the weekend with the fifth highest 25-baker pin fall of 4,422 in Saturday's Columbia Cougar Clash No. 1. Returning just 12-hours later, Barton sustained their placing in Sunday's separate Columbia Cougar Clash No. 2 accounting for the fifth best five-individual team game score 4,169.
Leading the Cougars on Sunday was Cole Brown's sixth place individual placing, as the sophomore destroyed 934 pins in five tossed games. The Garden City native averaged a team best 186 per 10-frames while posting the squads highest individual round with a third game 219.
Freshman Campbell Peterson rounded out the top-10 finishes in the Barton lineup dropping four spots back of Brown in 10th with a 887 total pin count. The freshman averaged a 177.4 in his five rolled games with a midway third game high 212.
Logan Lindsley and Brayden Bastin fell inside the top-30 with a 27th highest 656 and 30th 631 in their four games bowled.
Torrey Lindsay, Alex Wheat and Landon Wareman rounded out the Cougar lineup finishing 36th, 37th and 41st respectfully.
Claiming the team honors in Saturday's Columbia Cougar Clash No. 1 was Avila University with a 4,755 pin assumption in edging out runner-up Culver-Stockton College's 4,721 total.
Southeastern Illinois College bounced back from a fourth place finish in Saturday's tournament besting the six team field in Sunday's five individual team games with 4,582 pins benefitting behind Crewz Caswell's individual title carding a five game 1,050.
Having the weekend off to rest up before the final stretch, the Lady Cougars will return back to action with the Barton men next weekend for the Eagle Invitational held Saturday and Sunday at the Aaron's Family Fun Center in Belton, Missouri.